I thought I'd drop a note filling the men in on my progress so far concerning "Men on the Way to a Better Life", a private, password protected, forum where we can share freely and openly about how this awful disease has changed our sex lives. I've put this together because of the overwhelming email response I've got , after posting 3 messages entilted SEX AND LOVE. I've tried to answer every email. If I haven't plase resend.
The emails are still swamping my inbox, but subscriptions are to my website are slower in coming. Please hit: http://jackbauerdeclassified.typepad.com/chronic_pain_lifestyle/ .
I think people believe there's some cost--there isn't ;
- My site is confusing--it is, but people can simply sign-up for email updates, which is towards the bottom of the page on the left side.
- The email subscription doesn't require any info except an email address, and a "name", which can be anything, so that anonymity is protected.
I'm going to push the agenda out a week; I've had many verbal okays, I'm still getting about 50 hits and 20 emails per day. I know a couple of urologists who will donate their time and expertise to help men understand how arachnoiditis, our meds, and our combatting this illness affect our sexual capabilities and desires.
THIS IS NOT TO SAY THAT FEMALE MEMBERS OF THE GROUP WOULDN'T BENEFIT FROM THE SAME FORUM. I strongly suggest that someone else pick-up the ball on that initiative.
I think I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating. After the posting of 3 articles of Sex and love, hundreds of email replies more than half were from women. The generosity and openness of spousal replies was extremely moving, and I wish I could share these "letters" with you; but I did promise anonymity.
The idea of a men's forum, "Men on the Way to a Better Life", should really be entitled "Men w/ Arachnoiditis on the Way to a Better Sex Life." Nearly every male who responded was insistent on a private forum promoting a more open discussion. What I've felt, and it's sad, is that all respondents deeply love their wives or partners, but feel inadequate, and guilty. This is a pervasive group sentiment. Not surprisingly, most of the male respondents see sex as a unique form of intimacy; most females did not .
Well, I'll keep writing, although it's hard to keep up, I'll also respond to every email. Please make it easier by subscribing to "Chronic Paim Lifesyle":
http://jackbauerdeclassified.typepad.com/chronic_pain_lifestyle/ . Guys, if you want to get involved in private, open discussions please sign-up on the site. God Bless you all, Colin