This can happen, too:
I couldn't find a spot where I could reply to you on the blog. I am Janice a
55 year old woman with A. I don't know what your talking about when you
speak of your sexual disorder but I can tell you what happened to me. My
last husband developed nerve damage in the area of the penis 4 years before
we divorced and he could no longer have sex. I with the A was becoming more
and more disinterested too due to nerve damage that caused a lack of feeling
in the area where we need it most. My husband could not perform so he quit
trying and that was ok with me but he was the type of person who associated
sex with love so after the sex stopped he no longer kissed me or hugged me
or told me he loved me. This contributed to the end of the marriage. I
didn't need sex nor could I even feel it most of the time but I did need
affection and love and I needed to be held and kissed and told that I was
loved. Don't make the mistake of not holding your wife and telling her that
you love her. Kiss her bring her a flower let her know everyday that you
love her. Sex is not love and love is not sex don't make the mistake of
combining the 2. Talk to her and tell her what is going on with your body
but don't forget to tell her and show her that you love her. All human
beings need to be touched, held and told they are loved. This issue helped
to end my marriage don't make that mistake. Janice