Having trouble starting conversations? Can't communicate with your doctor? Try this, just for fun.
You can guide a conversation anywhere you want it to go. You can also make people say whatever you want.
Perhaps I spent too many years on Wall St. with the Pro's to sell them out completely, but I'll share a few secrets of the Pyramids. Just for fun, you understand.
Here's how the shy can not only start a conversation, but can also take it right where the diffident want it to go. Follow closely:
- You are asked a question: "Hi, what's up?" or if you're holding a cane and struggling with a door: "Are you okay? Can I help you with that?"
- "Hi, what's up?" is answered with "Not much since my doctor got a hold of me." Now of course this person must ask you about your doctor...or...
3, "Are you okay?, Can I help you with that?" answer, "No I'm okay, or I was until my doctor fixed me."
Both of these responses contain embedded questions. Consider this fact before I talk about the questions: People dislike doctors and love to hear dirt about them. Doctors are rich, rude, and make you wait for hours in their waiting rooms. They do the same things to the people who just asked you the above questions.
4. Here's the embedded question: What did your doctor do to you?
You could, with a little thought, embed any question you want in any statement that answers a question. Almost always, people will follow-up embedded questions, with exactly the question you expect.
Think how much fun and how easy a conversation becomes when you, through embedding questions, know in advance what questions you'll be asked!
Are people so easily manipulated? Yep. Otherwise 23 year olds wouldn't make $10,000,000.00 a year on Wall St.
This is short treatment to a skill that takes a while to develop. But, give it a shot. See if I'm full of baloney. Hell, you may just become the life of the party, and make boatloads of new friends from total strangers.
Someday soon, I'll teach you how to make anyone say "yes", within 10 seconds, but only if they've agreed that they won't say "yes". All in good fun.
PS. You won't get hoodwinked ever again. God bless, Colin
Step # 12, To A Better Life: Have a little fun!