Although it's within my nature to be arrogant and mean, I'm not going to reveal the names of the two women who wrote one of those ridiculously expensive, gee I feel good now, books that one finds so often on the impulse buyer's shelf at Borders. These gentle souls believe in something they call a "small" miracle.
Is it even possible for a miracle to be small? I'd always thought that embedded in the idea of a miracle is that the word doesn't admit of qualification. "Miracle" is like "unique". Both words have special definitions. A miracle by its' nature, is big; no, BIG. In fact, what makes something a miracle is that it's an event, of which there's nothing bigger than. It's UNIQUE, which means one of a kind. It's contradictory for a thing to be almost unique; the "almost" means that the event isn't unique at all. The word, "UNIQUE", doesn't allow for itself to be "a little unique". People who use these words in the ways I've described, don't understand out native tongue. Here's another example, "the pain I feel is so unique, that I can't even describe it!" (Get it?) Jeepers, Einstein, that must mean it hurts so much that there isn't even a word for it!
It's fun to play these games with words. Try this one someday with an atheist: The definition for "God" is "a being of which no greater being can be conceived". So, if one says, "I don't believe in God." All you have to say is, "what exactly is it that you don't believe in?" A simple response might be, "I don't believe in the being of which no greater being can be conceived." The winning retort: "I can conceive of 2 beings, one that isn't real, and the other one, the one that's greater because it's real. This means that there is no such thing as the "Unreal God" because the real one is greater than the unreal one. See, That's what the word "God" means. See, simple.
Back to our 2 genius authors, who probable believe in a small God for small miracles; they provide running commentary on God's will, too. Here's one of my favorite of their missives: "Sometimes when we feel most alone in the universe (just in case you felt alone on Saturn) God sends us a 'twin'" WHAT????
It should be a crime to publish this crap, and a capital crime to foist it on a suffering public.
Try Ludwig Wittgenstein, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one should remain silent." God bless, Colin
Thnks for another spectacular photo from Dorothy.
She is a treasure.
Posted by: dave gershner | September 09, 2006 at 09:42 AM