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June 19, 2007


Anne McGill


Thanks for sharing this. We have to help this woman. Can she share some info like the state she is in? Maybe somone knows somone in the government in that state who can pull some strings for her.

She makes me feel like a big wuss.


Denise Kellams

I am Diane Hort's sister (Sarah in your article). She died 8/25/07. I wanted you to know, as she was very touched to 1) Have her story published on the web 2) Receive comments. I am witness to her medical challenges as well as the financial and emotional burdens that accompanied her illness(es). I felt that since she was so touched by your support, that my note to you would let you know that your kindness and website were blessings to her. Thank you for your prayers and warm thoughts of her. She will be missed dearly and we are only glad that she is no longer in constant pain. One thing that she strived to achieve in her last few years was her spiritual growth and companions via internet. She was house-bound in these last few months; so your correspondence was immensely appreciated. You can locate her 'In Memory' by searching for any of the following newspapers on-line (all newspapers are in Kansas); The Colby Press, The Oakley newspaper, McPherson Sentinel, Garden City, Kansas newspaper. You will also find my name as surviving sister to confirm both Diane and me. Again, best wishes to you and your team and the help you will give to others. Diane would love to know that you were able to help others who are in the situation that she was in. Thank you, Denise Kellams

zed null

anne, colin, denise, and others...

i worked for nearly twenty years, as an "admitting clerk/intake worker" at a major private hospital on the west coast...

both in the "main section of the hospital, and their emergency room/trauma center...

(until i "became unable to do so", due to a "worker's comp/lifting injury" where i "blew out my lower and upper back (L4-L5, and C1-C2), and now suffer with chronic pain as a result of bone spurs adding to my disability!!!"

i "know well" the examples of "indignities heaped upon those with medicaid (medi-cal in california) by insensitive and uncaring doctors, nurses, and others that you speak of; having witnessed some to that behavior among my co-workers and the medical staff that i worked for/interacted with on a daily basis... and "received myself" once i "became one of the WALKING WOUNDED" instead of "one of the CAREGIVERS"...

while "still able to work" i tried to "treat each person; patient, family member, or significant other" as a VIP... regardless of "insurance or ability to pay"... that "little bit extra" caused me to be voted Employee Of The Quarter on more than one occasion, and have money donated to the hospital i worked for in my name... until, those who "supervised me" eliminated that recognition program; because "i kept consistently getting re-nominated", much to the "shame and embarrassment" of my co-workers, who were never even "in the running"!!!

it's really a shame... that "people who CALL THEMSELVES part of the HELPING PROFESSION; as doctors, nurses, i v technicians, phlebotomists, and others... "become so judgmental" based on a persons health coverage, without realizing; that "there but for the grace of the almighty", they "might find themselves" in a "similar predicament"!!!

perhaps, after the 2008 elections, if the NEWLY ELECTED PRESIDENT is SERIOUS about THEIR FOCUS on HEALTH CARE REFORM and ENDING POVERTY and MEDICAL IMPOVERISHMENT... "those types of examples" might "become a thing of the past"!!!

my thoughts and good wishes go out to all who read this!!!


zed null

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    I'm newly disabled, 47 years old with a loving wife and 4 great kids. I suffer from chronic pain.
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    I'm remiss to not have brought Anne, to your attention sooner; she's my co-author with a quick sense of humor, and her own voice and opinions; find her articles in, "Anne's Corner" in the catagories above.

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    More of Dorothy's work. All of it's on: http://www.dorothyphoto.com/dorothy_photo/

The Lens of Dorothy Gantenbein

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    All of the photos in these albums are the work of Dorothy Gantenbein, an artist who's work was descibed as,"...incredible. It's as if the artist feels our pain, and captures it in a picture..." Dorothy has suffered with athsma her entire life. She has graciously allowed us to use her work to decorate our site. She has a vast compilation of photo essays on her own page, which I urge you to visit. Check her site frequently! Dorothy is prolific. Her work is not for sale. Make sure to double click on the thumbnails. It's worth it! I'll continue to add new photos. Thanks Dorothy, Colin Her site is: http://www.dorothyphoto.com/dorothy_photo/


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