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August 26, 2007


Dear Wanda,
Your courage and strength amaze and inspire me. You are a true marvel of hope and endurance. Please know you remain in my prayers and those of my family.
May God sustain and comfort you as you adjust to yet another unpleasant reality and try to fully live your life. Please also be aware of the contribution you are making to the world by sharing your story and your life. You are a blessing in and of yourself. Take care.
You give me courage as I move into my (very little in comparison) surgery.

Breathe in Peace, Kathy

zed null

Thank You Wanda... you've increased a hundred-fold, what "little knowledge" i have of pain pumps and, leaking catheters... that "little" being, my "remembering" my mother having one of each implanted; when such things were "first being developed"... nearly "twenty years ago"... to help "manage her pain and help with her chemotherapy infusions"...

at the time, "being one of the first cancer patients on the West Coast to utilize one"... and, "her having daily sessions"... where she "would be asked to explain her understanding of her indwelling pump"... and, "her sensations, at being able to control the medication and pain medication doses"... to "various nurses, medical interns, and other cancer patients"; seemed to "add another six months to her life, before she finally passed on"...

i wish you much success... in your trials and tribulations with the "dern things"... and, keep posting... as, it "makes the prospect" of "eventually having to deal with such things myself... a "little easier" to conceive and accept.

best wishes,

zed null


I am speechless but want to acknowledge reading your painful journey.I am glad you are are blogging. I wrote about a man with a body that is a gift from heaven and a skill worth millions, he has thrown it all away. We shoud take nothing for granted


Wanda, I hope things will improve for you in the future.

I think I first read your story either before or after I had my synchromed 2 implanted in Feb. My surgery didn't go as planned but I've had improvement. They couldn't get the catheter in and then started drilling holes.

I was worried for you after I read something from Colin's blog about your latest surgery and then nothing followed for a long time.

My spine is an inoperable mess and the last neurologist I saw for the areas not served by the catheter say it's a possibility I have arachnoiditis from a myelogram done in 1983. He says I don't fit the profile because the burning goes up my spine to the back of my head instead of going down. He must have missed the part where I told him it involves the area six inches below where the myelogram was done but the worst travels up my spine.

I'm 53 and still don't fit anyone's expected profile.

I hope you can have some improvement. The pump has given me some and it's the first since 1978 when I was first injured.

Take care

zing in Georgia

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    I'm newly disabled, 47 years old with a loving wife and 4 great kids. I suffer from chronic pain.
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    More of Dorothy's work. All of it's on: http://www.dorothyphoto.com/dorothy_photo/

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    All of the photos in these albums are the work of Dorothy Gantenbein, an artist who's work was descibed as,"...incredible. It's as if the artist feels our pain, and captures it in a picture..." Dorothy has suffered with athsma her entire life. She has graciously allowed us to use her work to decorate our site. She has a vast compilation of photo essays on her own page, which I urge you to visit. Check her site frequently! Dorothy is prolific. Her work is not for sale. Make sure to double click on the thumbnails. It's worth it! I'll continue to add new photos. Thanks Dorothy, Colin Her site is: http://www.dorothyphoto.com/dorothy_photo/


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