Imagine, of all people, me. An email arrived from Lagos, Nigeria yesterday from a barrister, a private barrister, of a deposed royal family, who because of their lineage, were forced to leave Nigeria with only the clothes on their backs. They are in hiding in desperate fear of their lives.
The email went on to explain that a secret cache of their fortune remains behind in Nigeria, and that if I, known to this lawyer though secret sources, will claim their $30 million dollars, it will be wired to me at my bank. I may keep $5 million for my trouble. Then I'm to send the remainder to a Swiss bank, that will be made known to me on my confirming that I've received the $30 million. My "sterling" character is enough proof to the lawyer that I'll do the right thing, that the family will trust me on my solemn word to send them $25 million US bucks!
I'm packing my bags. I'm taking ALL the dough and hobbling-off into the sunset. Been nice knowing you! I'll send you all a post card. YOU HAVE MY STERLING WORD!
Seriously, who hasn't received this email? Sometimes it's a Russian family, Chinese family, etc., but it's always royalty. Granted I do run in those circles, so it's no surprise that my "contacts" have picked me. It is a funny, funny world. Have you noticed it lately. I'm sitting at the keyboard, so it hurts me to write this, but that doesn't make the world any less comical.
Who thought this hummer up?
What chimp in humans clothing actually believes this stuff. Someone must, or this scam would have been moth-balled years ago. I think I know the angle: at some point you'd have to divulge your bank routing number and account number for the "BIG DOUGH" to be wired in, which by the way is the same info a con artist would need to empty your account. Oh, they'd need your name and social security number , too.
Think though, not of global wackiness, but of bad pain days. With AA always with us, we have the wonderful benefit of a world and its' helpful population that offer us laughs 24/7/365. And it's there whether we choose to see it or not. On your next bad day, open your eyes to the myriad lunacy that surrounds us. See if that helps. God bless, Colin
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